

ClearWater Tech provides the most effective and sustainable ozone water treatment solutions available to manage multiple issues within a grow facility.

Providing superior sanitation of the water and air, ClearWater Tech’s ozone systems clean and sanitize surfaces and equipment, control mold and odor, treat incoming and outgoing process water, and recycle water for reuse in and around the facility.

  • Mold and odor control
  • Pathogen control
  • No measuring, monitoring, or handling of chemicals
  • Water contaminant removal
  • Oxygenation of feed water supply
  • Promotes healthier plants

Eliminates harmful pathogens on all surfaces while adding oxygen, ozone’s only by-product

C1 Mobile Disinfection Cart

  • Uses ozone-enriched cold-water at a rate and concentration to effectively eliminate pathogens on all surfaces while adding oxygen (ozone’s only by-product) to meet requirements for growth and processing
  • Easy to maneuver throughout the facility
  • Separately controlled ozone and oxygen gas outlet for fumigation between grows

Clean-In-Place Panel Mount – Stationary Unit

  • Ideally located in a central area with piping used to distribute ozone-enriched water to any location
  • Compact, plug-and-play
  • Easy installation
  • Single point-of-use

Surface & Equipment Sanitation:

  • Uses ozone-enriched cold-water at a rate and concentration to effectively eliminate pathogens on all surfaces while adding oxygen (ozone’s only by-product) to meet requirements for growth and processing
  • Easy to maneuver throughout the facility
  • Separately controlled ozone and oxygen gas outlet for fumigation between grows

C1 Mobile Disinfection Cart

  • Ideally located in a central area with piping used to distribute ozone-enriched water to any location
  • Compact, plug-and-play
  • Easy installation
  • Single point-of-use

Clean-In-Place Panel Mount – Stationary Unit

Indoor Air Treatment

Controls mold and odor remediation through the centralized HVAC system

  • Eliminates odor and airborne microbes
  • Uses both ozone and germicidal UV technologies
  • Location and number of units required based on air distribution system

ComAir 20T – Indoor Air Quality Unit

Process Water

Controls mold and odor remediation through the centralized HVAC system

  • Emphasis based on recycling process water for reuse
  • Integrated technologies provides growers with opportunity to reduce water consumption without additional exposure to pathogens or other contaminates