Water Features


ClearWater Tech’s systems for water features use ozone’s oxygen-based oxidation to eliminate organic contaminants, bacteria, and viruses from the water through a combination of oxidation and flocculation. Oxidation destroys these contaminants and flocculation gathers up the residual to be filtered out of the water feature.

The water is cleaner and clearer. And unlike most chemicals, ozone does not affect the pH the water. It is these qualities that enable our ozone systems to leave the water looking extremely clear, clean and without any chemical smells.

  • Clearer, cleaner water
  • Complete sanitation
  • No residue or chemical products
  • Superior oxidation
  • No measuring, monitoring, or handling of chemicals
  • pH neutral


Apex Series

Microzone CD325 & CD550

The Microzone Series use corona discharge (CD) technology delivering more ozone output with minimal complexity, in a compact size.

Apex Series

We took our most popular ozone generators and combined them with all the ancillary components that make up the perfect system. The Apex series is designed to make ordering the properly sized and designed package as simple as possible.

The Pro-400 ozone recirculation system is ideal for small water treatments. It features a magnetic drive circulation pump, a venturi injector for ozone transfer, a 24-hour timer, and a corona discharge ozone generator.
