
Wine professionals understand the benefits of ozone as a disinfection tool and an organic solution. It is a cold-water process that allows the winemaker to produce a more desirable product by means of minimizing water consumption, reducing energy costs, prolonging the life of the processing equipment, and reducing bacteria, molds, and other microbes. At the same time, preserving the excellence and integrity of the wine without sacrificing taste.

ClearWater Tech offers a line of stationery, panel-mounted, and mobile ozone systems that provide superior disinfection for your winery needs.


  • Reduces energy
  • pH neutral
  • Reduces wastewater and leaves no harmful by-products
  • Produced on-site – no storage, mixing, or disposal of chemicals
  • Approved by FDA & USDA

Notable Installations

  • Jada Winery
  • Halter Ranch Winery
  • Deovlet Wines
  • Chamisal Vineyards
  • Opolo Winery
  • Brian Arden Wines
  • Terravant Custom Winery
  • Joseph Phelps Vineyards
  • Sterling Vineyards
  • Kynsi Winery
  • Insignia Vineyards
  • Pretty-Smith Vineyards
  • Ponte Family Estates
  • Sinor-Lavallee Wines
  • Nunno Wine Storage
  • Chapin Family Vineyards


Clean In Place Panel-Mount

The CIP-PM ozone systems offer compact, wall-mounted ozone delivery, eliminating extensive installation. They provide dissolved ozonated water for various applications and include an ozone generator, injector, degasser, destructor, and circulation loop for consistent flow.

Clean In Place

CIP systems are wall-mounted stainless steel ozone units for water treatment and odor control. Suitable for agri-food, fish storage, dairy, wineries, breweries, and butcher blocks, they come in various sizes with all necessary components included.

The C1 Mobile Disinfection Cart uses ozone-enriched water to clean and disinfect surfaces. Durable and advanced, it easily washes floors, walls, and equipment. Maneuverable, it replaces hot water and reduces chemical use by disinfecting on contact.

C1 Mobile Disinfection Cart