Indoor Air Quality


According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air you breathe inside your home or business is typically 4 to 40 times worse than the air outside. And to think most of us spend over 90% of our time indoors.

These types of contaminants present air quality challenges for even the best-kept homes or tight run businesses, especially when windows are kept closed while heating and air conditioning units run year ‘round. Stale air is trapped and recirculated throughout the house or building.

ClearWater Tech offers indoor air purification systems for residential and commercial uses that help to resolve these indoor pollutants and leaves your whole-home or business environment with fresh, cleaner air.

  • Reduce household odors
  • Reduces airborne contaminants
  • Cleans and freshens the air
  • Safe and silent
  • Easy to maintain
  • Operates automatically with HVAC fan
  • Treats the whole home/building
  • Out-of-sight, inside the ventilation system
  • More efficient than a 60-watt light bulb



The ZAP – Room Air Purifier, reduces odors by replacing with cleaner, fresh air. It features a 30 CFM fan and two UV ozone lamps. Not to be used around people or animals.


AirWaves reduces household odors and airborne microbes using ultraviolet light and ozone. Integrating with your HVAC system, it treats all rooms simultaneously and works silently whenever the heating or cooling system is on.


The ComAir 20T Air Treatment System is a high-performance, commercial-grade HVAC sterilization solution designed to eliminate indoor airborne contaminants and unpleasant odors, resulting in fresher, cleaner air.